New Authoring Process
With my commitment to revive this blog with new content I have also switched to a new authoring and publishing process. Previously I wrote all my blog posts directly in Blogger’s HTMl editor . At the beginning of my blog it was the most sensible thing for me to do. Blogger provided me with an interface to directly write my articles into the publishing engine. And it was a good choice. But over time I began to regularly fiddle with the HTML which was generated while typing into Blogger’s editor . And I did not focus on the area which is most important: content . Besides my blog I have been looking for an editor solution which provides me a simple and universal user experience from my Windows laptop which I have for work and on my private iMac . Early on I found Markdown a very interesting solution. You are basically typing plain text into an editor with formatting commands. And the available commands are quite comprehensive for a blog post. This is then rendered into formatted o...